How do you feel when you find out someone has lied to you? Angry, betrayed, hurt? Those are a few of the emotions I've experienced when the truth has finally come out. But let me ask you how you actually respond when you discover you've been blatantly lied to? Do you confront the person? Ignore them completely? Cut them out of your life? Punch them (yikes!)? Or after these array of emotions do you finally forgive them and then eventually forget about it?
Well, I believe there's one liar we've all been victimized by that's isn't necessarily deserving of our forgiveness. The Bible exposes this invisible liar we all face, and face daily: "He [the devil] was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44b)." Of all the things God could call the devil (the father of evil, hate, destruction...) He calls Him the father of lies!
Are there any lies you've accepted as truth? The lie that you're not beautiful, desirable, worthy? The lie that this world would be better off without you? The lie that you'll never be happy or amount to anything? How about the lie that if you looked like the cover girl of the month everything would be fine and chipper?
As I write in my book "HEAL: Healthy Eating & Abundant Living" (which comes out in Dececember - yipee!):
"Satan is the master deceiver. Subtly he speaks lies that steer us away from the voice of truth. He knows that physical beauty is fleeting but that the strength of a woman who loves God is powerful beyond measure. Obsessions with food and body are impediments to living the abundant life, and the enemy knows this. This is why he will do anything to keep our minds, hearts, and eyes fixed on our outer appearance."
Think about it girls. We live in a blessed country. We have an abundance of food we don't know what to do with. We have the freedom to vote, to worship, to be educated. We can dress ourselves in pretty clothes, have nice things, live a life of comfort, but yet we're still not satisfied and believe we need more! We need to be thinner, tanner, richer, taller. As Maslow, the famous 14th century psychologist would put it, since our basic needs are met, we pursue self-actualization, which when applied to many (but not all!) women pursuing idealistic "beauty" is making us internally ugly, empty, envious and void of joy.
As a nation we spend over $40 BILLION a year on diet-related products alone. Not to mention billions more on beauty products and cosmetic surgery. A total amount I don't doubt we could wipe out world hunger with. So who's behind this madness? Victoria Secret? Cosmo? Nope, guess again - our messed-up, media-crazed, culture is just one of this liar's tools.
I challenge you to respond to the voice who speaks these lies. Give 'em what he deserves. A kick in his tail! Begin to fill your mind, your life with true things. "Finally, brothers [and sisters], whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things (Phillippians 4:8)."
Shut out the noise and call upon your Maker, your Savior, and hear His loving voice. As you do, your true, unfading beauty will grow. Joy, peace, gratitude, and contentment will follow. Wake up to the trash this liar has been telling you. Toss out those so-called "beauty magazines" and turn on the words of your loving Father. The world is craving a taste of your authentic beauty, not the false Hollywood "beauty" that is causing girls to jeopordize their health and question their value, beauty and purpose in this world.
Wake up girls and reclaim the truth!
HEAL Journey Promo
Friday, October 24, 2008
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