HEAL Journey Promo

Monday, December 3, 2007

HEAL: A Shared Journey of Authentic Healing

I just got back from HEAL tonight with the girls. I just feel so blessed to be in the presence of such amazing women who are not afraid to be real with one another. It is clear that the journey we are walking upon is not meant to be done alone! God desires His daughters to be in authentic friendships with other women who spur them on towards His truth. As the five of us lounged upon the big green sofas in a tiny apartment in Isla Vista, we shared our lives and stories with one another. Lives that for many of us once contained so much brokenness and bondage. Lives that were in bondage to legalistic, lifeless living, rigid food rules, poor self-image and distorted thinking. While some of us shared our praises with one another, still others were not afraid to say that God is carrying them through this journey moment by moment and that so much healing has yet to be done. We were reminded of this truth:

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. -Phillippians 1:6

Our hope for you is that God will equip you with the courage and God-breathed friendships to step into the light and embark on the journey of lasting, authentic healing.

Please be praying for The HEAL Journey as we finish up our first 6-week study on the HEAL Principles which will enable young women like you all over the country to rise above these things that have for so long kept us down!

Also, if you have a story of healing that you would like to share with us, please email me at wonderfully.made@gmail.com. We would love to hear from you and be a part of what God is doing in your life.

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